This week we just final the Scorpion King Amusement Park Rides inspection and it is ready to ship out to USA. It is one of our new and popular Amusement Equipment this year. Unique shape with lighting and best play. One of the best profitable amsuement ride. Following are the manual for it.
Install Tthe Main Base Frame
- To set up the main base frame on the designated place,the front side with sticker write words“Entrance”,fix the base frame and ground with anchors.As the picture shows:
- Open the fuel tank cap and pour into hydraulic oil to reach the mark40~50,about 2 barre amount.(Note:Need to discharge the oil before shipment because the transport regulation),then screw the cap after the oiling.As the picture shows:
- Install the sensor(inside of the control cabinet),take it out and install in the location of FRP of base frame.As the picture shows:
- Install both side of lamp shade(Two lamp shade in the control cabinet),take it out and install in the lamp of FRP,fix the lamp shade and lamp with screw.As the picture shows:
Install thebase frame of “#” type
- To put the “#” type frame on the base frame,the front side with sticker write words“Entrance” for the screw,fix it and base frame with screw.As the picture shows:
Install the “I”type frame
- To remove the two“I” type frame from the base frame(To fix the base frame steady because the transport,to install them in the front and back side),install them in the right and left side and fix them with screw.As the picture shows:
Install the “T”type frame
- To install the “T”type frame in the front and back side of base frame,fix it and base frame with screw.As the picture shows:
Install the FRP of base frame
- Note :When you’re install the around FRP,please noted that to wiring the line firstly,then fix the FRP and FRP with screw.
- Install the arched FRP,put two pieces arched FRP around the base frame of main frame and to wiring in the lamp,then fix them with screw.Install the lamp shade in arched FRP(lamp shade in pack inside of cabins) As the picture shows:
- Install the polygon FRP,both them of ”I”type frame for each side by right and left.To wring in the lamp and fix FRP and frame with screw.As the picture show:
- Install the trapezoid FRP in the front and back side.Wiring in the lamp and fix the FRP and frame with screw.As the picture show:
- Install the short FRP/rectangle FRP, to cover the FRP in the “T”type frame by front and back side.To wiring in the lamp and fix FRP and frame with screw.As the picture show:
Install circular chassis
- Setting two pieces semicircle chassis smoothly in the ground and combination them together,fix them with screw and to wiring in the lamp.Then put it in the base frame to face the front side as the sticker write words“Entrance”.As the picture shows:
Install the both side of tongs
- For both side of tongs,as the sticker write words“Right”and“Left”to set up.Fix the tongs and base frame with screw.As the picture shows:
- Install the circular FRP in the tongs,fix them with screw.As the picture shows:
Install stair of equipment
- Set up the stair between the two tongs and fix them with screw.As the picture shows:
Install speaker and centre FRP
- Install the speaker in the centre position,fix circular chassis and speaker with screw and to wiring in the lamp.Then put the FRP into it and fix them with screw.As the picture shows:
Install cabins of equipment
- Take the lamp shade from all cabins and cover them with the cabins,fix the lamp shade and cabins with screw.As the picture shows:
- To set up the cabins in the base chassis according the remark in order,the base chassis remark by A-B-C-D…..,total ten alphabet.Fix the cabins and chassis with screw and to wiring in lamp.As the picture shows:
- Install the FRP of cabin’s frame,to cover ten pieces FRP in the frame and fix them with screw,As the picture shows:
Install sting FRP
- To install the lamp shade in the sting FRP(lamp shade inside of the cabins),then install the sting in the base frame and fix them with screw.As the picture shows:
Install control cabinet
- To wiring in the line to the control cabinet.As the picture shows:
Install the fence
- Assembly the fence and column around the equipment and fix them with screw.As the picture shows:
- Set up an electric circuit to equipment and testing,to make sure the equipment runs normally.